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Document Control & Trainings Modules

  • Compliant document control system challenges
  • How to set up and maintain your training matrix and automate training
  • Be audit-ready using your document control and training system during audits

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Scilife's Document Control & Trainings Modules

It’s a real headache to not only set up but to continuously update a document control system. On top of that, you have to deal with keeping your employees trained at all times in order to stay compliant. There are simply not enough hours in the day, right?

Scilife has a solution to both challenges! We’ll let our CEO Filip Heitbrink explain how it all works and how these two handy modules can help you and your team save a ton of time. We are rolling out new awesome features to streamline document control tracking and effortlessly schedule tailored trainings.


Discussion Topics

  • Main challenges to set up and maintain a compliant document control system
  • How to set up and maintain your training matrix and automate training altogether throughout your company
  • Be audit-ready at all times and use your document control and training system during audits




Filip Heitbrink

at Scilife


Trine Michelsen

Customer Success Manager 
at Scilife